Thursday, September 3, 2009

Weddell Bott

To be updated. This is the temporary quick and dirty bio.

model: Paul Rudd
age: 24
height: 5'10"

character: Eldest child and heir to the Bott empire. He runs the day-to-day of the family business. Workaholic, seemingly antisocial, and dedicated to furthering the family enterprise. A driven, young, executive.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reynard Bontecou

Reynard "Pepe" Bontecou
SnitchSeeker School RPG

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Date of Birth: January 31, 2036 (age 30 for start of term 20)
Years attended Hogwarts: 2047-2054 (start Term 1 and end Term 7: Draught of Ephemera)
Current Hogwarts Staff Position: Headmaster (2067-present)
Previous Staff Position: Potions Master (2066-2068)
Previous Occupation: Auror
Blood status: Halfblood (pureblood father, muggle mother)

Rey is a jack-of-all trades, which came in very handy with his undercover work as an auror. He enjoys kids and is still a bit of a kid at heart himself and so he decided to apply for the newly opened position of Potions Master as a break from auror work which has become lonely and not quite as exciting as it used to be for him. However, that is just his cover story as he has actually taken on the persona of a Hogwarts staffer as an undercover auror awaiting the next Voldemortist attack on the school. He excels in nearly everything he puts his mind to and has a particular fondness for muggle science fiction.

Rey, also known as Pepe to his closest friends, is the epitome of nerd-dom. He is average height, very lanky, and has a genius-level IQ. He has slightly curly brown hair and brown eyes behind black, 50s style, glasses. He was raised by his muggle mother after his wizard father died when Rey was four and he was accepted in Ravenclaw house when he arrived at Hogwarts after nearly finishing muggle school at only 11 years old. It took him nearly two years to be able to find his way to and from his classes, the library, and the great hall from his common room and he still has a horrible sense of direction when indoors.

During his time at Hogwarts Pepe has attempted to get to know every woman on staff. Something that can't be mentioned on SS is that though he is quite fond of nudie magazines, both muggle and witch and he has no desire to get into a serious relationship, Pepe does respect women and is very considerate of their feelings.

Unfortunately, his fondness for a certain ancient runes professor has placed his life in jeopardy. Either he will succumb to his wounds or he will face living with lycanthropy for the rest of whatever life is left to him...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bob Bott

Bertie Orpheus Bott IV

Bob is the owner of the famous Bertie Bott bean empire (fourth generation). The crazy scientist/gazillionaire is also father of five children: Ellsworth (first born, daughter), Weddell (first son & heir to the Bott family fortune), Fryxell (second son), Neptune (second daughter), and Pensacola (last daughter). The Bott family lives in Antarctica and Bob has devised numerous security charms in order to prevent leakage of the Bertie Botts indredient secrets. His wife is the like the Anjelina Jolie of the wizarding world (attractive, philanthopic, and a doting mother).

Bob is less involved in his kids' lives due to his working long hours between overseeing the business and experimenting in the lab. His personality will be fleshed out a bit more afte I've had time to brainstorm it some more.

I decided he'll be in his late 40s. Still deciding exact birthdate and physical appearance.

Appearance: Bob usually lets himself go when he's working in the bean lab. he becomes fully engrossed in whatever project he is working on and barely manages time out to take a shower. However, he cleans up quite well and can be quite handsome. Shortish brown hair and brown eyes.

Model: Paul McGann (8th Doctor, David in QotD, etc)

Lab appearance

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sophie Reid

Sophie Emma Reid
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Age/Year at RP start: 14/4th year
Birthday: June 4, 2019
Class: 2030/31
House: Phoenix

Hair: light brown, straight, long, and plain, not even any highlights, much to her dismay
Eyes: honey brown, very distinctive and her favorite feature
Physical: Sophie is rather plain. She's not fat but, no one would really call her thin either (althetic, might be the best way to describe her). She's tallish for a girl (about 5'9"). One of the first things she learned upon arriving at school was how to put her hair up in new and exciting styles to make up for it's drabness.

Pet: Gray cat with thin black stripes and white feet named Spencer.

Background: Sophie is the daughter of sheep farmers from Scotland. It was quite a shock for them to learn that Sophie was a witch, especially since none of them, not even Sophie, could remember anything strange happening around her. But, perhaps Sophie's affinity for the sheep on her parents' farm was more than just ordinary.

Sophie started attending the local village school at age 5 but, was frequently absent to help on the farm once she got a little older. Miraculously (or perhaps not) the family was able to hire an extra hand about a year before the wizard came to speak with them about Sophie going to McMillian. The Reid sheep are highly prized for their exceptionally soft fleece and the herd has experienced a very respectable birth rate whilst maintaining a very low mortality rate. Despite Sophie's absence, the herd continues to thrive and generate quite a bit of income for the small family.

Sophie is the middle child and only daughter. She has four brothers, the youngest to whom she was like a mother. Her two older brothers were very protective of her but, now aren't sure what to make of her. The summer after her first year she received an official written warning from the Ministry for using magic outside of school when she was showing off for them. But, it was all in good fun.

Personality: Sophie can be quiet and withdrawn at times when she's feeling overwhelmed or homesick, which happens often enough that it's noticeable but, not so often as to damper her carefree and happy spirit. She's a bit of a show-off, always trying to prove herself, something that is due not only from being muggleborn but, from being the only girl amongst four boys. She loves quidditch but, she's afraid to try-out because there are so many good players. She hates to fail at anything and couldn't bear it if she tried but didn't make the team.

Sophie's best subject is charms because she puts forth so much effort to learn the charms to try and make herself up.

Abigail Wolfe

Abigail Wolfe
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: January 30, 2020
Age/Year at start of RP: 12/2nd
Class: 2032/39 (with Jackson & Holly)
House: Phoenix

Hair: brown
Eyes: hazel
Physical: If you saw her next to her older brother you'd agree that they are definitely siblings but, the resemblance isn't close enough that you'd notice it if you never saw them together and didn't know they were siblings. For this reason and the fact that second years don't have Care of Magical Creatures, that no one has yet realized they're brother and sister.

Pet(s): An assortment of random creatures from her brother. He intended them to scare her (and they certainly did) but, she loves each of them in spite of it and kept them around for as long as she could keep them alive.

Wand: 9 3/4 inches, mahogany, unicorn tail hair

Background: Abigail is the youngest of the two Wolfe children. After Elijah, the Wolfe's didn't think they'd be able to have more children so, she was a cherished surprised when she was born. Because she is lavished with all the girly wants and needs she could ever desire, Abigail has developed a complete and utter love and admiration for her older brother, despite his attempts to torment her with scary (yet, benign) animals and creatures.

She favors the color purple, is very sweet, and actually quite normal by McMillian student standards. She does well in school, has a few close friends, and has so far resisted the urge to run down to her brother's hut. As she's matured, she's come to respect (to some point) her brother's privacy and need for her not to embarrass him.

Her brother, Eli, is the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at McMillian.


SnitchSeeker School RPG

Birthday: February 27, 2035
House: Ravenclaw
Terms played: 3&4

An intelligent student obviously belonging in Ravenclaw. She's also headline writer for the SS Quill, tenacious in her pursuit of a story. She covered all of the mysterious events of term 4 where she and a group of Slytherins attempted to help solve the mystery of the tapestry.


The Cabin (TDS)

Name: Dume (pronounced Do-may) ole Kokumuo
Date of Birth: unknown
Place of Birth: Kenya

Date of Change: unknown
Age at Change: about 17 or 18

Years spent as a vampire: two hundred or so

Current whereabouts: Berring Straight, heading to Canada

Appearance: Dume is the color of dark chocolate that has been left to age so that a thin white film has formed, though you can still see the rich, almost black, color beneath. His eyes are those of all feral vampires: a deep, burgundy. His appearance is quite frightening with his brilliant white teeth, dark skin, and red eyes coupled with his unkempt, wild, appearance. He is very tall and thin, as the typical Masai warrior is.

History: Dume was born into a tribe of Masai people in Kenya, Africa. He was circumcised at the age of 13 when he became a Moran (warrior). As was the custom of the Masai warriors, Dume participated in the lion hunt and was acclaimed for his skill in tracking and hunting the creatures who occasionally came near enough to terrorize the herds of cattle unpon which the people were dependent.

He always seemed acutely aware of his surroundings whether by sight sound or smell. It was this gift which helped him thwart several attacks by hungry hyenas and lionesses on the herds he was keeping even when on his own. His tribe and family were very proud of Dume who was not only successful on the traditional group lion hunts and in keeping the herds safe, but also managed to hunt and kill a male lion on his own.

Vampire History: Dume was out with the herd on that fateful night. He sensed something coming up to the camp but, he didn't recognize what it was. He never stood a chance, despite his warrior training and the experience he'd gained hunting lions. He stabbed at the thing as it took him down and bit into him but, it was to no avail.

He didn't know or maybe he just didn't remember what had saved him, how he had stayed alive after the attack but, he did. Neither the vampire nor the scavengers of the African plain came to finish him off. Dume managed to drag himself off to the minimal shelter of a rock beneath a tree where he spent three days in agonizing pain. Though he had sat through his circumcision without flinching, calling out, or otherwise showing his pain, he could not help but cry out, expecting an animal to come and finish him off as he cried what he thought to be his death cries.

After that third night, the transformation was complete. The herd had long since moved on, frightened away by his cries. He stood up, glistening in the bright sunlight and looked around. He was so thirsty and he smelled the food he craved miles down the path and heard them calling his name. Dume was there in an instant and massacred the small hunting party made up of his friends come looking for him. The village was next. During that first year of life Dume decimated five villages.

He learned tact soon afterward, just in time. He didn't know it but, the Volturi had been alerted to his presence due to the destruction he had been making. But, he calmed down to some extent and as the years moved on he took fewer victims from each village he passed by. The deaths were blamed on local packs of lions or hyenas or other nearby wildlife. Dume remained the warrior. The ultimate warrior. For his skills as hunter and tracker were magnified in his vampire persona.

Dume has had very few encounters with those of his own kind. He takes a kill now ask questions later approach to life which has preserved him over these many long years (though he never counted them and could not tell you how old he is). However, he has been growing lonely of late and has been thinking more and more about traveling outside his home continent of Africa.

Finally, he began to wander north. Over the course of many many years, Dume made his twisting way through Europe, into Russia, back down into India and China and back to Russia again. The cold climes entralled him for they were so different from the Serengeti Plains he had known as home for so many long years. He heard tell of a country across the sea and he wished to see it so, he took the way there, a swim across the Berring Straight. It was harrowing and difficult even for a vampire but, he managed to make it across. He swam ashore, completely naked for he'd lost his clothing long ago.

Reynard Bontecou

Reynard "Pepe" Bontecou
The Camp (TDS)

Pepe was Nate's bunkmate at camp and they shared a cubicle for the first few years in the auror office. He got his nickname from an unfortunate incident that occurred during auror training camp involving bad beef in the burritos he was preparing for the aurors and those in training. He spent that first night of camp in the latrines, "unloading".

Notes about Rey:
*Ravenclaw (genius)
*Half-blood (raised by muggle mother after father died when he was 4)
*Collector of porn (muggle & wizard)
*Sci-fi fan (movies & books)
*Virgin as of graduation from Hogwarts, though that changed quickly after becoming an auror (still not sure if he lost it during camp or after)
*Glasses (black, 50s style)
*Brown, slightly curly hair
*Brown eyes
*Lanky, a little dorky looking

Bio for Sieve with Nate: Reynard Bontecou was average height, lanky, and wore glasses. He was a Ravenclaw. He was the picture of nerd-dom. So, what was he doing dropping his bag on a bottom bunk at the auror training camp? Well, Rey was actually a really great dueler and his smarts really helped to round out that auror application, even if his appearance wasn't all that impressive. The only problem Rey had was that despite his apparent genius he didn't always have a lot of common sense and was hopeless when it came to finding his way around new buildings (it took him all of his first year of Hogwarts before he could find every classroom every time and that was only after he'd mapped out the entire structure).

Current Occupation: Rey is now a full auror. He's part of an elite team, though he usually just works solo as a special operative. His genius allows him to assume virtually any role, flawlessly, making him the perfect undercover agent. He has been known to spend up to a year in a role, working a case. He's been everything from a high ranking healer at St. Mungo's (actually working on patients) to a janitor in a muggle factory.

Background: Rey was born in France to a muggle mother and wizard father. His father was a member of the French equivalent to the aurors. He was killed when Rey was 4 during a battle with Grindelwald or his followers (accounts aren't clear). His mother moved with him to England in an attempt to escape persecution. Rey was raised in muggle London and attended muggle schools, though he did maintain contact with his wizarding relatives and visted often. He transfered out of muggle school (which he had nearly completed due to his gifted educational abilities) when he was accepted at Hogwarts.

Reginald Avery

Reginald Avery
The Dark Mark (The Camp parallel RP)

Avery Sr. is Winifred's father and the Avery mentioned in the books as being one of Voldemort's old school pals. Avery Jr. ends up being friends with Snape and being punished by Voldemort in GoF for claiming he was only acting under the imperius curse when he was acused of being death eater. Avery Sr. is a very politcally powerful, pureblood, wizard. He is a death eater and is known as 'the butcher' among his enemies owing to his fascination with taking his victims apart, piece by piece.

Avery kidnapped Matilda Bagshot from a stakeout. He cut off her hand and sent it back to the Ministry. A mistake which landed him in Azkaban and put him on trial, jeopardising his daughter's chances of getting into the auror training program. When he was cleared of all charges, she was cleared for acceptance into the program. During The Camp RP the death eaters infiltrate camp and take prioners. Mats was given to Avery and he was caught in the act of torturing her by his daughter (by the sound of his voice), Becca, and Nate (who rescues Mats). Unable to snake out of this one, Avery is now on the lam.

Chris Dearborn

Christopher Gavin Dearborn

The Camp (TDS)

Birthday: July 16, 1959
Parents: Owen & Chloe
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: depends on your definition (pureblood father, muggleborn mother)

Physical Description:
Blonde hair and blue eyes, Chris is average height for an eleven year old boy (at RP start, 1970). He's quite cute and always starts off really tan in September, tapering off to a creamy complexion by winter's end.

Bio: Chris' parents were a famous auror pair from early in Voldemort's career. His mother was murdered by Voldemort in front of his father whose hand was cursed and barely made it out alive. Chris was raised mostly by his aunt in the wizarding world. Though his father was devoted, his heart was broken when he lost his wife and partner and the use of his right (wand) hand and took up the post of head auror at the secret training camp. Chris spent summers with his father on the island and treasured any other visits from his father during the rest of the year.

Personality: Despite the loss of his mother and absence of his father, Chris is a very well adjusted kid with his father's happy-go-lucky attitude. Always smiling and willing to help out friend in need, even at his own expense, he's the poster child for Gryffindor, a house he shares with several wizards who would become famous (James Potter & Co.).

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Winifred Avery

Winifred Avery
The Camp (TDS)

Birthday: February 6, 1952
Age at RP start (1970): 18

Former House: Slytherin
Hair: black
Eyes: violet
Height: 5'4"
Specialty/Strengths: duelling, occlumency
Weaknesses: cooking & other "house elf" type tasks

Background Information: Winifred is the daughter of the Ave
ry who was one of the first Death Eaters (he went to school with Tom Riddle) and the older sister to the Avery who went to school with Snape and ended up getting tortured for his bad info in OoTP. She's a pureblood (of course) who was sorted into Slytherin like the rest of her "upstanding" family. Since this is Voldie's first rise to power, I assume she passed all Ministry background checks because her family hasn't yet been publically revealed as Voldemort supporters. I also assume that Dumbledore would be the only one to know about Tom Riddle and Avery being 'friends' at school together, let alone the fact that Voldemort and Tom Riddle were one and the same person.

Winifred is quiet but, not unusually so. She normally makes friends easily and invites confidences. However, she is something of a pureblood snot and is used to being waited on hand and foot. I haven't quite decided on how things will work out but, I think she'll end up being one of Rookwood's numerous Ministry contacts so, in an indirect way she'll be a spy for Voldemort. I'm not even sure that information is pertinent to the RP but, we'll see what happens.

Update: Sieved scenes reveal Avery Sr. attacked Matilda Bagshot and was on trial before Fred's acceptance into auror training. Once he was cleared she was allowed to join up. However, no one realizes that she has been trained by Voldemort and commissioned to gather information as an auror. Fred is a big believer in the movement at first and is honored for the task, however Voldemort scares the crap out of her and she i
s probably ruled more by fear (for herself and her family) than loyalty.

Owen Dearborn

Owen Dearborn
The Camp (TDS)

Head Auror at the Auror Training Camp
Birthday: June 5, 1928
Age at RP start (1970): 42
Former House: Gryffindor
Hair: gray
Eyes: blue/gray
Height: 6' 2"
Specialty/Strengths: just about everything; why do you think he's the boss? LMAO
Weaknesses: inactivity & incompetence (he's a do-er
and a perfectionist and isn't at his best when confronted with either of these things)
Special Ability: Seer - Owen is particularly attuned to people's potentials and has some prophetic ability with the use of divination tools (he received an O in his Divination NEWT)

Background Information: Owen is the older brother of Caradoc Dearborn, a member of the Order of the Phoenix (as of OoTP he was missing and presumed dead). He is from a wizard/muggle family and knew from the start that he wanted to be an auror. After many years in the field, Owen sustained an injury (still deciding what it is
) and applied for the department head position but, was beat out by Bartemius Crouch. He took the disappointment in stride and found the position as Head of The Camp to be a much better fit for him. He has been training future aurors for the past five years.

Updated Info:

Dearborn sustained a greivous injury to his wand hand which prevents him from being able to grip a wand with that hand (he can use it for larger objects like handshakes but, all fine motor skills and strength are gone from the hand). It is slightly disfigured but, not terribly so. The injury is basically worse than it looks, though there is no denying that it was cursed. This isn't the only injury he sustained in a raid on a house which turned out to be the current headquarters for the rising Voldemort (he's not famous yet but, he was on the rise to power and his acts and the acts of is followers were starting to gain notice and attention).

The Ministry was tipped off about a house where suspicious activity was noticed. A team of aurors led by Dearborn was dispatched for recon and possible arrests. They noticed some sinister activit through the windows and went in fo
r the raid. Dearborn was the unfortunate victim of a nastily concealed curse on a door which he had tried to open with a spell. The spell rebounded upon him and the door expelled the curse upon his hand. His wand was lost and he found himself face-to-face with the up and coming, self-styled Dark Lord Voldemort. The rest of his team was off fighting what would be known after this night as the Death Eaters and Dearborn was alone. He sustained further injury before finding non-magical means (TBD) to fight off death and escape.

The raid produced only one arrest. Voldemort and the re
st of his followers escaped while the strike team took the one prisoner in for questioning and theirleader and other injured comrades to St. Mungo's for healing. The prisoner revealed some key information about this new menace to the wizarding world and from then on, the Ministry carefully monitored Lord Voldemort's rise to power.
Owen proposes to Chloe

Important Dates
1928 June 5/6 - Owen & Caradoc Dearborn are born
1939 Sept 1 - Owen Dearborn starts at Hogwarts
June - Owen graduates Hogwarts
August - Owen starts training at Camp
1949 June - Owen qualifies as a full auror
1954 October 31 - Owen proposes to fellow auror, Chloe Williams
1955 January 1 12:01am - Owen marries Chloe
1959 July 16 - Christopher Gavin Dearborn is born

July 15 - Owen is injured, "death" of Chloe Dearborn
August- Owen takes over leadership of Camp

1970 Sept 1 - Maruaders & Chris Dearborn start at Hogwarts

Chris Dearborn

Sophia Rae-Branxton

Sophia Branxton
SnitchSeeker School RPG

Birthday: June 2, 2061
Parents: Cassandra (Cooper) Rae-Branxton & Doyle Branxton
Twin Sister: Genevieve
Brother: Marcus Orion

Raised for her first few years of life at Hogwarts until her father quit in order to stay at home and raise her and her siblings. Not sure what happened after Mommy stopped being Headmistress.

Theodore Nott

Theodore Nott
All Fall Down (an RP-based FF role)

Theodore Nott is the son of the death eater. His father is imprisoned in Azkaban following the fall of Voldemort and Theo inherits the family house. He falls victim to an accident during a Ministry raid and is forced to depend upon a duffer Hufflepuff turned auror for help and company. Theodore is as arrogant as any other pureblood Slytherin and biased toward muggleborns and Hufflepuffs and the whole Potter gang, though he himself is not a death eater and would not asipre to such a thing even if it were still possible.

Acacia MacNair

Acacia MacNair
A Kink in the Darkness (TDS)

Bryce's little sister. She's abused by her father. She's a tiny little thing, partially due to genetics and partially due to malnutrition. Despite her upbringing (or lack thereof) she is a very kind and gentle person. Best friends with Quinn Winston, the two get into all kinds of mischief. At the end of Kink she marries Brandon.

Acacia @ age 71

Nicholas MacNair

Nicholas MacNair
The darkness... (SS)
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Nick is a real piece of work. He first appears in "The Darkness..." pursuing the hand of Wyn. He loses her to Jacob Winston and develops a vendetta against the Winston family. He is a death eater and is friends with the Malfoys, though that friendship is rather one-sided as I don't think the Malfoys think much of him.

He has two children, Walden Bryce and Acacia. He abuses the both (Bryce as his punching bag and Acacia for carnal pleasure). He squanders all money he manages to attain (gambling issues) and takes that out on his children, as well, refusing them food and forcing them to share a room in the family mansion which is going to ruin. Bryce kills him in Kink and he is subsequently resurrected by Ren and Beth when they attempt to bring Ren's father back to life. He comes back in ED to cause more trouble.

Bartholomew Henry

Bartholomew Henry
SnitchSeeker School RPG

Date of Birth: April 1
Biography: tentacley, polite, but mischevious
Bartholomew is very polite and vain. He requires anyone who wishes to speak with him to pay him a compliment before he will converse. He loves to be of assistance, but prefers to be left in peace most of the time. He also has mischievous side. *shifty*
Interests: swimming, eating fish, scaring the bejeezus out of students
: Hogwarts' resident Freshwater Ecologist (fish population pruning)
Motto: Anyone can be polite.
Description: Giant squid. Self explanatory.
Current Location: The Lake

Doyle Branxton

Doyle Branxton
SnitchSeeker School RP
Underneath the Hourglass (SS)
Unavowed Aspirations (SS/TDS)

Born: March 8, 2018
At Hogwarts: 2029- 2036 (Slytherin prefect & Head Boy)
Began teaching: 2056
Taught: Potions (
2056-2061, 2065-2066), Charms (2062-2065)
Other Positions: Slytherin HoH (2057-2060), Deputy HM (2063-2065), Cooper's School HM (2065-2066)
Previous Occupation: Unspeakable
Significant Other: Cassandra Rae (2058-present)
Children: Sophia & Genevieve (June 2, 2061), Marcus Orion (Summer 2066)

General Physical Appearance: Doyle is six feet tall with salt n pepper, clean-cut hair, and blue eyes. A pureblood wizard, he prefers to dress in 'proper' wizard attire at all times. On the rare occassion he is without his robes, he can be found wearing a clean-cut, black, suit which is tailored (not purposely) to fit his attractive, medium, build. He is light-skinned but not pale. He also wears a stylish pair of glasses, giving him a look to match his intelligence.

Personality & History: A former employee for the Ministry of Magic (Department of Mysteries), the reason for his departure is as closely kept a secret as what he did while working in the depths of the Ministry. He spent the last two years travelling and has come back to Hogwarts to teach (will fill in why/how after I plot with Erin - see below) Doyle doesn't speak much about himself, or in general, so most of his background remains unknown. He was Slytherin Prefect and eventually became Head Boy while at Hogwarts. His professors regarded him as a very intelligent young wizard with great potential. He excelled in potions, charms, and transfiguration, though he did well in all of his classes, receiving outstanding marks in all of his NEWTs. This quiet professor is completely disinterested in the personal dramas his colleagues seem to find themselves in and mostly keeps to himself, preferring to blend into the background.

Oh, I just remembered that I had talked to Erin about Branxton because I had written in his bio that he'd taken two years for travelling in between leaving his Ministry job and coming to teach at Hogwarts. I was trying to figure out what he was doing for two years and supposed that he was still working for the Ministry, scouting out new possible locations to hide the BoM. He's here at Hogwarts as a legitimate teacher but, with an alterior motive: he's looking for and protecting the BoM. Unlike the previous ministry people, he has no interest in the day-to-day business of Hogwarts that doesn't immediately concern his teaching.

This is all hush hush and only Rae knows anything about what Branxton is really here for. He genuinely cares about the students which is why Rae still hired him (yes, he went through the process of applying and interviewing to get the job). I'm guessing that he was involved with studying ancient and dark magic in the Dept. of Mysteries.

Since becoming a Professor: As most of you know Doyle married Rae in between two terms (will look up date later) and they had twin girls Sophia and Genevieve a term later (term 14?, I think, againwill look up date later). He was still working for the Ministry during the time he was here. He left Hogwarts after the twins were born at the request of the Ministry to continue his work there in the Dept of Mysteries. This past term (15, I think) he received a promotion and thought he might be able to spend more time with his family. That didn't seem to be the case so he came back to Hogwarts to fill the open Charms position. While he still works for the Ministry and maintains his promotion, he is taking a a furlough to teach once again, continuing his studies on the side.

Kris Airlia

Kris Airlia, a pureblood witch, was sorted into Ravenclaw at age eleven. She attended Hogwarts at the same time as the father of the famous Harry Potter. One of the most intelligent students in her year, she excelled in potions and charms. When she finished her education at Hogwarts, she became a healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies.

Although she wasn’t involved in the first fight against the Dark Lord Voldemort, she was inducted into the Order of the Phoenix after his return to power. During this second war, Airlia played a crucial role for the Order, working closely with Severus Snape, to brew complex potions to aid the other members in their duties. Airlia and Snape developed a close relationship during their long hours together, eventually leading to his proposal. However, before the couple could tie the knot, the Dark Lord Voldemort discovered that his Death Eater, Snape, was in fact a traitor and a spy for Dumbledore.

A duel ensued, Snape was wounded, and as Voldemort raised his wand and incanted the Killing Curse, Airlia leapt in front of him. She died instantly and Snape was able to escape with his life. Unable to bear being parted from him, Airlia remained as a ghost, haunting Snape to the end of his days. After his passing, she could be found haunting his gravesite. She returned to Hogwarts as Potions Master and Ravenclaw House Ghost at the request of the late Headmistress Loryen last term. She will be continuing her stint as Potions Master however, she will no longer be House Ghost for Ravenclaw. Instead, Headmaster Hendrik has appointed her Head of Slytherin House.

Sophie Melita

Sophie Melita
SnitchSeeker School RPG
"Other Character"

Date of Birth: 13 February 2027
Hogwarts House: Slytherin (2038-2045)
preschool teacher, unspeakable, potions master @ Hogwarts (2055-2056, 2065-2066)

Sophie Melita went to work in the Department of Mysteries after leaving Hogwarts with outstanding NEWTs. After substitute teaching at Hogwarts under Miss Leiden's regime, she decided she enjoyed teaching so much that she left the Ministry for a while to teach preschoolers. She came back to Hogwarts during the Ministry's attempt to split the school into a boys' and a girls' school.

Sophie has an unnatural fondness for cookies. She has created her own special recipe which has a tendency to give those who ingest them a vague sense of euphoria, lifting their mood and making them more congenial. Unfortunately, this secret ingredient seems to have some side effects on Bertie Borr's constitution. Perhaps he is lactose intolerant.

Rodmilla Beuxdelleire

Rodmilla Beuxdelleire
SnitchSeeker School RPG
"Other Character"

Rodmilla was a follower of Voldemortist posing as a Beauxbaton's visitor to Hogwarts during term five.

Gavin Ormand

Gavin Ormand
Goblet for Bularia (SS)

Gender: male
House: Chimaera
Year: 4th
Hair: Black, shoulder-length, clean

Eyes: Blue
Height:5'7" (pre-growth spurt)
Strengths: Dark Arts/DADA, Charms
Weaknesses: Potions, Transfiguration

Short Biography:
The son of Voldemort supporters, Gavin grew up heavily immersed in the dark arts. He isn't sure where he stands but, he has a strong sense of loyalty to his family and seems to be following in their footsteps. Gavin isn't unliked by the other students but, he tends to keep to himself just the same.

Sobek, a silver Egyptian mau, is Gavin's constant
companion. This graceful feline has a princely air about him and can often be found perched upon Gavin's shoulders.

I just had to include this pic (isn't he gorgeous?):

Friday, August 7, 2009

Holly Winston

Holly Shauna Winston
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: November 30, 2020
Age/Year at start of RP: 12/2nd
Class: 2032/39 (with Jackson)
House: Shrake

Hair: straight, strawberry blonde
Eyes: hazel
Physical: Holly is all limbs, average 12 year old girl height.

Pet: crup named Bailey
Wand: 10 inches, willow, dragon heartstring

Background: Holly grew up in a little cottage on a hill just outside the village across the river from McMillian. Her father (Jake Winston) and
mother (Serenity) both work at the Ministry of Magic. She has an older brother, Jonathan, who was named for her mother's father (and father's mother's best friend) who died before her mother was even born.

Since she lives so close to the village, she spends a fair amount of time with her cousins Jack and Jamie and her brother John. This has made her a bit of a tomboy and rather athletic as she strives to keep up with her playmates.

Holly is polite and courteous but, she seems to have picked up a bit of her Aunt Quinn's temperament through her father so, she's bossy and almost always gets her way when she's got her heart set on something. That might be why she managed to talk her parents into getting her a crup when she was ten (though it prob
ably had more to do with the fact that they were going through a rough patch in their marriage and were overcompensating for their distraction).

While she doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up, Holly loves transfiguration and wants to study to become an animagus.

Maggie Macnair

Maggie Mae Macnair
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: January 16, 2022
Age/Year at start of RP: 11/1st year
Class: 2033-40
House: Unicorn (note: currently attending Durmstrang after nearly drowning allegedly by Lucy)

Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown
Physical: Maggie has her father's build but doesn't suffer from the petiteness of her aunt. She's average height for a girl her age and quite pretty. The pic above is just a little bit older than Maggie at 11 years.

Pet: solid black kneazle named
Wand: 11 inches, ash, unicorn hair

Background: Maggie doesn't know her actual date of birth so she and her family use the date she was dropped on her father's doorstep (August 3) as her date of birth. Her mother was "Sondra", a witch working The Wayward Wizard when quidditch player, Bryce Macair, was frequenting the scuzzy hotel in Knockturn Alley. She dropped her daughter off on Macnair's doorstep with a note and disappeared.

Bryce and his wife of two months, Rini Chang, took her in and hired a French au pair to care for her due to their busy travel schedules. Maggie spent a lot of time with her French nanny, Yvette for the first five years before Yvette was dismissed and her parents took over her education. While Rini was never an affectionate mother, Maggie did come to know her as her mother. She took Maggie on numerous trips and was a major contributor to Maggie's early education. Despite her eventual move into the role of mother, Rini continues to be 'Rini' rather than taking on a motherly nickname such as Mum.

Maggie is very close to her father, Bryce, who lavishes affection on her when he isn't busy training or away for matches. Fatherhood suits him and he managed to overcome his formidable weaknesses in order to provide as stable and good home life as his and his wife's careers could provide. Because of her parents' peculiar relationship and quirks, Maggie relies mostly on her surrogate grandmothers for emotional support and advice. She isn't very close to her cousins or extended 'family' network, though of course she knows them all.

As far as personality goes, Maggie is a pretty calm and stable person. Her curiosity was stunted due to her living circumstances (and perhaps an incident concerning her parents' private rooms, I'm not sure) so, she tends not to be one to pry into other people's lives or possessions. She is fiercely loyal to her family and any criticism from anyone concerning her upbringing or her parents. She doesn't see anything wrong or strange with the way her family works.

Maggie has not (thankfully) inherited her father's penchant for poor judgement. Nor does her obedience to Rini mean that she needs someone to tell her what to do all the time. Since she has spent a lot of time alone, Maggie is independent and quite intelligent. Though she seems a lot like her Aunt Acacia, she isn't quite as empathetic. She certainly isn't a very affectionate kid.

William Colby

William "Will" Xavier Colby III
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: April 2, 2018
Age/Year at start of RP: 15/5th year
Class: 2029-36
House: Unicorn

Hair: plain brown
Eyes: generic hazel
Physical: Will is 15 and has started growing a bit but, hasn't quite reached that growth spurt, yet so he's about the same height as the average girls. He should grow up to a modest height of around 5' 10".

Pet: none
Wand: 10 inches, mahogany, dragon heartstring

Background: William is the son of a real estate broker, William Xavier Colby II, and a financial advisor, Marriettta Colby. He was very excited to find out he was a wizard and could leave his highly structured home life and Eton behind him to come to the McMillian School of Wizardry.

William is very friendly despite his snobbish upbringing but, that could have more to do with being muggleborn and feeling out of place than because he doesn't have a bit of a snobby streak in him.

Persephone Malfoy

Persephone Malfoy
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: December 13, 2016
Age/Year at start of RP: 16/6th year (Prefect)
Class: 2028-35
House: Shrake

Hair: straight blonde with some darker 'highlights'- dirty blondeish
Eyes: storm cloud gray
Physical: Persephone is as all Malfoy as her older sister is all McMillian (poor Day). She's slender, pale, and perfect (just ask her). She stands about 5'7" like her mother.

Pet: Tarantula named Hairy (given to her by Al because one of the first things she told him was that she liked spiders)
Wand: Elm with dragon heartstring core :shifty:

Background: Persephone is the only child of Draco Malfoy and Datura Rosier, though she has a half sister on her mother's side (Serenity) and at least two half brothers on her father's side (Brandon and Orion). She is 17 years younger than her half siblings and so is closer to her nieces and nephews than her siblings, though even then she isn't very close to them. Persephone spent a lot of time alone in Malfoy Manor, especially with loony Lucius. In his moments of sanity he doted upon his perfect granddaughter and gave her all sorts of trinkets (among them: a pair of his gloves, his pimp cane & wand, and a Malfoy brooch). When she wasn't with Lucius she was exploring the manor's passages, backrooms, and the dungeon.

About a year after Lucius' death, the Malfoys moved onto the McMillian campus where Persephone met and became good friends with Al Potter. The two became inseparable in their pursuit of becoming pirates together. *insert stuff that happens once we've sieved it*

Persephone and Al are officially a couple at the start of the RP.

Persephone has the Malfoy attitude but, she also has her mother's kind spirit. She's the perfect mix of confidence and caring. No one is going to take advantage of Persephone's kindness.

Severus Snape

Professor Severus Snape
The darkness... (SS/TDS)
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

The darkness... (SS/TDS)
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Potions master
Children: Matilda "Mattie" Thompson

Snape is pretty much as he is in canon only he has a daughter from a brief relationship that never went anywhere. He secretly keeps an eye on her until one day (during the role play) she discovers he's her father.

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Grandchildren: Lily Josephine & Sirius James Potter

The End of Darkness (TDS)
Grandchildren: Lily Josephine & Sirius James Potter, Albus Potter
Great Grandchildren: Lucy & Leo Malfoy, Jackson, Jamie, & Maddelyn Potter

Walden Bryce MacNair

Walden Bryce MacNair
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Known as Bryce to his close friends because he doesn't like Walden or any of the nicknames that come from it.

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Birthday: November 12th
Age at start of RP: 16
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Hair: short, but not too short, black, straight
Eyes: blue
Height: 6' even
Best Class: DADA
Worst Class: transfiguration
Personality: arrogant, ruthless, not rich, though he acts like it, feels like the world owes him something (inherited his father's sense of injustice when it comes to the whole Darcy/Winston thing), etc. Underneath the arrogant exterior Bryce is a total wuss, poor, and abused by his father. He feels worthless and his only redeeming virtue is his prowess on the quidditch pitch, the only place he has any confidence.

The End of Darkness (TDS)
Marital status: Married to Rini Chang
Children: Maggie MacNair & Tacey Shannon (both illegitimate)
Occupation: Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons and England's national team

Serenity Rosier-McMillian Winston

Serenity "Ren" Rosier-McMillian Winston
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Birthday: September 23rd
Age at RP start: 17
Year: 7th
House: TBD
Hair: shoulder-length, worn straight; red
Eyes: green
Height: 5'7"
Best class(es): potions & charms
Worst class(es): astronomy
Personality: generally quiet and reserved with all but the closest of friends, intelligent, dilligent worker, but feels rather lost/out of place at Hogwarts

Background Information

"The darkness..." covers the significant background information on her mother and father's time at Hogwarts and the circumstances leading up to her birth so, I won't bother getting into that since everyone involved with TD2 will have read all that. After Hogwarts, Day goes to live with Wyn and Jay at Winston manor where she gives birth to her daughter, Serenity. They stay there for a five years. Day qualifies as a healer and gets a job at St. Mungo's but, after a while she regains her confidence and equilibrium and begins to feel she has become a burden on the growing Winston family. She leaves with her daughter to make a new life for herself across the ocean in New Hampshire (sorry, I couldn't resist ).

Serenity attends the nearby, all girls, school, "The Salem Witches' Institute" (I don't know why but, the name just suggests all girls to me LOL). At the end of the Hogwarts equivalent of 6th year, Day encounters an old 'friend' in the form of Lucius Malfoy. He was supposed to be looking for Serenity but, bungled into Day who, after the encounter, immediately took Serenity and began to make her way back to the only place she knew her daughter would be safe: Hogwarts. Fearful that they would be followed, Day took over a year getting back to the United Kingdom, exchanging sporadic, cryptic, messages with Albus Dumbledore along the way. They arrive back in the UK just in time for Day to see Serenity onto the Hogwarts Express. She encounters her old friends, the Winstons, on the platform and goes back to live with them, once again.

The End of Darkness (TDS)

Marital Status: Married to Jacob Winston
Occupation: Department of Mysteries, Dark Arts division head
Children: Holly & John

Datura Rosier

Datura "Day" Rosier
The darkness... (SS)
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

The darkness... (SS)
House: Slytherin
Year: 7
Blood: Pure
Eyes: Green
Hair: long, straight, medium brown hair- worn down, parted in the middle, and tucked behind the ears

Height: 5' 8"
Personality: quiet, very intelligent, wants to follow in her father's footsteps
Extra notes: Father was Evan Rosier- killed by Aurors while resisting arrest after Voldemort's defeat (he was the one who took a big chunk out of Moody's nose).
Crush: admires Voldemort, no real crush.

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Birthday: April 20th
Age at RP start: 35
Hair: long, worn in a bun; brown
Occupation: Healer
Marital Status: Single

Children: Serenity Rosier-McMillian

The End of Darkness (TDS)
Marital Status: Married to Draco Malfoy
Occupation: Healer at McMillian School of Magic & Midwife
Children: Serenity Winston
Grandchildren: Holly & John Winston and Lucy & Leo Malfoy (step)

Day @ age 89

Kristi Smith (Snape)

Kristi Smith (Snape)
Parseltongue & Purebloods (SS)
Light Met the Dark and Shone (SS)
Love, Lust, Life & Death (SS)
Life Without Light Means the Dark Will Shine (SS)
Silence is Deadly (TDS)

Year (at series start): 6
House: Slytherin
Best subject: Potions (but excels in all classes)
Background: Quiet, almost timid, she spends most of her time in the library or a corner of the common room by herself. She doesn't seem to have any friends. The other Slytherins think the Sorting Hat had been wrong to place Kristi in their house and wonders why she wasn't in Hufflepuff where she belonged. Students from other houses are suspicious of her because she is a Slytherin. Kristi is only ever seen talking with the professors, or fending off her fellow Slytherins when they decide to notice her existence.

Severus Snape

Severus Snape
Parseltongue & Purebloods (SS)
Light Met the Dark and Shone (SS)
Love, Lust, Life & Death (SS)
Life Without Light Means the Dark Will Shine (SS)
Silence is Deadly (TDS)

Severus Snape is played as close to canon as possible considering the role playing of this character began prior to the release of The Order of the Phoenix. He has a daughter. The role plays begin with him taking care of Voldemort's daughter, Marcella Riddle, and continues through the subsequent drama of them falling in and out of love.