Friday, August 7, 2009

Persephone Malfoy

Persephone Malfoy
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: December 13, 2016
Age/Year at start of RP: 16/6th year (Prefect)
Class: 2028-35
House: Shrake

Hair: straight blonde with some darker 'highlights'- dirty blondeish
Eyes: storm cloud gray
Physical: Persephone is as all Malfoy as her older sister is all McMillian (poor Day). She's slender, pale, and perfect (just ask her). She stands about 5'7" like her mother.

Pet: Tarantula named Hairy (given to her by Al because one of the first things she told him was that she liked spiders)
Wand: Elm with dragon heartstring core :shifty:

Background: Persephone is the only child of Draco Malfoy and Datura Rosier, though she has a half sister on her mother's side (Serenity) and at least two half brothers on her father's side (Brandon and Orion). She is 17 years younger than her half siblings and so is closer to her nieces and nephews than her siblings, though even then she isn't very close to them. Persephone spent a lot of time alone in Malfoy Manor, especially with loony Lucius. In his moments of sanity he doted upon his perfect granddaughter and gave her all sorts of trinkets (among them: a pair of his gloves, his pimp cane & wand, and a Malfoy brooch). When she wasn't with Lucius she was exploring the manor's passages, backrooms, and the dungeon.

About a year after Lucius' death, the Malfoys moved onto the McMillian campus where Persephone met and became good friends with Al Potter. The two became inseparable in their pursuit of becoming pirates together. *insert stuff that happens once we've sieved it*

Persephone and Al are officially a couple at the start of the RP.

Persephone has the Malfoy attitude but, she also has her mother's kind spirit. She's the perfect mix of confidence and caring. No one is going to take advantage of Persephone's kindness.

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