Friday, August 7, 2009

Serenity Rosier-McMillian Winston

Serenity "Ren" Rosier-McMillian Winston
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Birthday: September 23rd
Age at RP start: 17
Year: 7th
House: TBD
Hair: shoulder-length, worn straight; red
Eyes: green
Height: 5'7"
Best class(es): potions & charms
Worst class(es): astronomy
Personality: generally quiet and reserved with all but the closest of friends, intelligent, dilligent worker, but feels rather lost/out of place at Hogwarts

Background Information

"The darkness..." covers the significant background information on her mother and father's time at Hogwarts and the circumstances leading up to her birth so, I won't bother getting into that since everyone involved with TD2 will have read all that. After Hogwarts, Day goes to live with Wyn and Jay at Winston manor where she gives birth to her daughter, Serenity. They stay there for a five years. Day qualifies as a healer and gets a job at St. Mungo's but, after a while she regains her confidence and equilibrium and begins to feel she has become a burden on the growing Winston family. She leaves with her daughter to make a new life for herself across the ocean in New Hampshire (sorry, I couldn't resist ).

Serenity attends the nearby, all girls, school, "The Salem Witches' Institute" (I don't know why but, the name just suggests all girls to me LOL). At the end of the Hogwarts equivalent of 6th year, Day encounters an old 'friend' in the form of Lucius Malfoy. He was supposed to be looking for Serenity but, bungled into Day who, after the encounter, immediately took Serenity and began to make her way back to the only place she knew her daughter would be safe: Hogwarts. Fearful that they would be followed, Day took over a year getting back to the United Kingdom, exchanging sporadic, cryptic, messages with Albus Dumbledore along the way. They arrive back in the UK just in time for Day to see Serenity onto the Hogwarts Express. She encounters her old friends, the Winstons, on the platform and goes back to live with them, once again.

The End of Darkness (TDS)

Marital Status: Married to Jacob Winston
Occupation: Department of Mysteries, Dark Arts division head
Children: Holly & John

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