Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sophie Reid

Sophie Emma Reid
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Age/Year at RP start: 14/4th year
Birthday: June 4, 2019
Class: 2030/31
House: Phoenix

Hair: light brown, straight, long, and plain, not even any highlights, much to her dismay
Eyes: honey brown, very distinctive and her favorite feature
Physical: Sophie is rather plain. She's not fat but, no one would really call her thin either (althetic, might be the best way to describe her). She's tallish for a girl (about 5'9"). One of the first things she learned upon arriving at school was how to put her hair up in new and exciting styles to make up for it's drabness.

Pet: Gray cat with thin black stripes and white feet named Spencer.

Background: Sophie is the daughter of sheep farmers from Scotland. It was quite a shock for them to learn that Sophie was a witch, especially since none of them, not even Sophie, could remember anything strange happening around her. But, perhaps Sophie's affinity for the sheep on her parents' farm was more than just ordinary.

Sophie started attending the local village school at age 5 but, was frequently absent to help on the farm once she got a little older. Miraculously (or perhaps not) the family was able to hire an extra hand about a year before the wizard came to speak with them about Sophie going to McMillian. The Reid sheep are highly prized for their exceptionally soft fleece and the herd has experienced a very respectable birth rate whilst maintaining a very low mortality rate. Despite Sophie's absence, the herd continues to thrive and generate quite a bit of income for the small family.

Sophie is the middle child and only daughter. She has four brothers, the youngest to whom she was like a mother. Her two older brothers were very protective of her but, now aren't sure what to make of her. The summer after her first year she received an official written warning from the Ministry for using magic outside of school when she was showing off for them. But, it was all in good fun.

Personality: Sophie can be quiet and withdrawn at times when she's feeling overwhelmed or homesick, which happens often enough that it's noticeable but, not so often as to damper her carefree and happy spirit. She's a bit of a show-off, always trying to prove herself, something that is due not only from being muggleborn but, from being the only girl amongst four boys. She loves quidditch but, she's afraid to try-out because there are so many good players. She hates to fail at anything and couldn't bear it if she tried but didn't make the team.

Sophie's best subject is charms because she puts forth so much effort to learn the charms to try and make herself up.

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