Sunday, August 9, 2009


The Cabin (TDS)

Name: Dume (pronounced Do-may) ole Kokumuo
Date of Birth: unknown
Place of Birth: Kenya

Date of Change: unknown
Age at Change: about 17 or 18

Years spent as a vampire: two hundred or so

Current whereabouts: Berring Straight, heading to Canada

Appearance: Dume is the color of dark chocolate that has been left to age so that a thin white film has formed, though you can still see the rich, almost black, color beneath. His eyes are those of all feral vampires: a deep, burgundy. His appearance is quite frightening with his brilliant white teeth, dark skin, and red eyes coupled with his unkempt, wild, appearance. He is very tall and thin, as the typical Masai warrior is.

History: Dume was born into a tribe of Masai people in Kenya, Africa. He was circumcised at the age of 13 when he became a Moran (warrior). As was the custom of the Masai warriors, Dume participated in the lion hunt and was acclaimed for his skill in tracking and hunting the creatures who occasionally came near enough to terrorize the herds of cattle unpon which the people were dependent.

He always seemed acutely aware of his surroundings whether by sight sound or smell. It was this gift which helped him thwart several attacks by hungry hyenas and lionesses on the herds he was keeping even when on his own. His tribe and family were very proud of Dume who was not only successful on the traditional group lion hunts and in keeping the herds safe, but also managed to hunt and kill a male lion on his own.

Vampire History: Dume was out with the herd on that fateful night. He sensed something coming up to the camp but, he didn't recognize what it was. He never stood a chance, despite his warrior training and the experience he'd gained hunting lions. He stabbed at the thing as it took him down and bit into him but, it was to no avail.

He didn't know or maybe he just didn't remember what had saved him, how he had stayed alive after the attack but, he did. Neither the vampire nor the scavengers of the African plain came to finish him off. Dume managed to drag himself off to the minimal shelter of a rock beneath a tree where he spent three days in agonizing pain. Though he had sat through his circumcision without flinching, calling out, or otherwise showing his pain, he could not help but cry out, expecting an animal to come and finish him off as he cried what he thought to be his death cries.

After that third night, the transformation was complete. The herd had long since moved on, frightened away by his cries. He stood up, glistening in the bright sunlight and looked around. He was so thirsty and he smelled the food he craved miles down the path and heard them calling his name. Dume was there in an instant and massacred the small hunting party made up of his friends come looking for him. The village was next. During that first year of life Dume decimated five villages.

He learned tact soon afterward, just in time. He didn't know it but, the Volturi had been alerted to his presence due to the destruction he had been making. But, he calmed down to some extent and as the years moved on he took fewer victims from each village he passed by. The deaths were blamed on local packs of lions or hyenas or other nearby wildlife. Dume remained the warrior. The ultimate warrior. For his skills as hunter and tracker were magnified in his vampire persona.

Dume has had very few encounters with those of his own kind. He takes a kill now ask questions later approach to life which has preserved him over these many long years (though he never counted them and could not tell you how old he is). However, he has been growing lonely of late and has been thinking more and more about traveling outside his home continent of Africa.

Finally, he began to wander north. Over the course of many many years, Dume made his twisting way through Europe, into Russia, back down into India and China and back to Russia again. The cold climes entralled him for they were so different from the Serengeti Plains he had known as home for so many long years. He heard tell of a country across the sea and he wished to see it so, he took the way there, a swim across the Berring Straight. It was harrowing and difficult even for a vampire but, he managed to make it across. He swam ashore, completely naked for he'd lost his clothing long ago.

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