Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kris Airlia

Kris Airlia, a pureblood witch, was sorted into Ravenclaw at age eleven. She attended Hogwarts at the same time as the father of the famous Harry Potter. One of the most intelligent students in her year, she excelled in potions and charms. When she finished her education at Hogwarts, she became a healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies.

Although she wasn’t involved in the first fight against the Dark Lord Voldemort, she was inducted into the Order of the Phoenix after his return to power. During this second war, Airlia played a crucial role for the Order, working closely with Severus Snape, to brew complex potions to aid the other members in their duties. Airlia and Snape developed a close relationship during their long hours together, eventually leading to his proposal. However, before the couple could tie the knot, the Dark Lord Voldemort discovered that his Death Eater, Snape, was in fact a traitor and a spy for Dumbledore.

A duel ensued, Snape was wounded, and as Voldemort raised his wand and incanted the Killing Curse, Airlia leapt in front of him. She died instantly and Snape was able to escape with his life. Unable to bear being parted from him, Airlia remained as a ghost, haunting Snape to the end of his days. After his passing, she could be found haunting his gravesite. She returned to Hogwarts as Potions Master and Ravenclaw House Ghost at the request of the late Headmistress Loryen last term. She will be continuing her stint as Potions Master however, she will no longer be House Ghost for Ravenclaw. Instead, Headmaster Hendrik has appointed her Head of Slytherin House.

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