Friday, August 7, 2009

Maggie Macnair

Maggie Mae Macnair
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: January 16, 2022
Age/Year at start of RP: 11/1st year
Class: 2033-40
House: Unicorn (note: currently attending Durmstrang after nearly drowning allegedly by Lucy)

Hair: dark brown
Eyes: brown
Physical: Maggie has her father's build but doesn't suffer from the petiteness of her aunt. She's average height for a girl her age and quite pretty. The pic above is just a little bit older than Maggie at 11 years.

Pet: solid black kneazle named
Wand: 11 inches, ash, unicorn hair

Background: Maggie doesn't know her actual date of birth so she and her family use the date she was dropped on her father's doorstep (August 3) as her date of birth. Her mother was "Sondra", a witch working The Wayward Wizard when quidditch player, Bryce Macair, was frequenting the scuzzy hotel in Knockturn Alley. She dropped her daughter off on Macnair's doorstep with a note and disappeared.

Bryce and his wife of two months, Rini Chang, took her in and hired a French au pair to care for her due to their busy travel schedules. Maggie spent a lot of time with her French nanny, Yvette for the first five years before Yvette was dismissed and her parents took over her education. While Rini was never an affectionate mother, Maggie did come to know her as her mother. She took Maggie on numerous trips and was a major contributor to Maggie's early education. Despite her eventual move into the role of mother, Rini continues to be 'Rini' rather than taking on a motherly nickname such as Mum.

Maggie is very close to her father, Bryce, who lavishes affection on her when he isn't busy training or away for matches. Fatherhood suits him and he managed to overcome his formidable weaknesses in order to provide as stable and good home life as his and his wife's careers could provide. Because of her parents' peculiar relationship and quirks, Maggie relies mostly on her surrogate grandmothers for emotional support and advice. She isn't very close to her cousins or extended 'family' network, though of course she knows them all.

As far as personality goes, Maggie is a pretty calm and stable person. Her curiosity was stunted due to her living circumstances (and perhaps an incident concerning her parents' private rooms, I'm not sure) so, she tends not to be one to pry into other people's lives or possessions. She is fiercely loyal to her family and any criticism from anyone concerning her upbringing or her parents. She doesn't see anything wrong or strange with the way her family works.

Maggie has not (thankfully) inherited her father's penchant for poor judgement. Nor does her obedience to Rini mean that she needs someone to tell her what to do all the time. Since she has spent a lot of time alone, Maggie is independent and quite intelligent. Though she seems a lot like her Aunt Acacia, she isn't quite as empathetic. She certainly isn't a very affectionate kid.

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