Saturday, August 8, 2009

Owen Dearborn

Owen Dearborn
The Camp (TDS)

Head Auror at the Auror Training Camp
Birthday: June 5, 1928
Age at RP start (1970): 42
Former House: Gryffindor
Hair: gray
Eyes: blue/gray
Height: 6' 2"
Specialty/Strengths: just about everything; why do you think he's the boss? LMAO
Weaknesses: inactivity & incompetence (he's a do-er
and a perfectionist and isn't at his best when confronted with either of these things)
Special Ability: Seer - Owen is particularly attuned to people's potentials and has some prophetic ability with the use of divination tools (he received an O in his Divination NEWT)

Background Information: Owen is the older brother of Caradoc Dearborn, a member of the Order of the Phoenix (as of OoTP he was missing and presumed dead). He is from a wizard/muggle family and knew from the start that he wanted to be an auror. After many years in the field, Owen sustained an injury (still deciding what it is
) and applied for the department head position but, was beat out by Bartemius Crouch. He took the disappointment in stride and found the position as Head of The Camp to be a much better fit for him. He has been training future aurors for the past five years.

Updated Info:

Dearborn sustained a greivous injury to his wand hand which prevents him from being able to grip a wand with that hand (he can use it for larger objects like handshakes but, all fine motor skills and strength are gone from the hand). It is slightly disfigured but, not terribly so. The injury is basically worse than it looks, though there is no denying that it was cursed. This isn't the only injury he sustained in a raid on a house which turned out to be the current headquarters for the rising Voldemort (he's not famous yet but, he was on the rise to power and his acts and the acts of is followers were starting to gain notice and attention).

The Ministry was tipped off about a house where suspicious activity was noticed. A team of aurors led by Dearborn was dispatched for recon and possible arrests. They noticed some sinister activit through the windows and went in fo
r the raid. Dearborn was the unfortunate victim of a nastily concealed curse on a door which he had tried to open with a spell. The spell rebounded upon him and the door expelled the curse upon his hand. His wand was lost and he found himself face-to-face with the up and coming, self-styled Dark Lord Voldemort. The rest of his team was off fighting what would be known after this night as the Death Eaters and Dearborn was alone. He sustained further injury before finding non-magical means (TBD) to fight off death and escape.

The raid produced only one arrest. Voldemort and the re
st of his followers escaped while the strike team took the one prisoner in for questioning and theirleader and other injured comrades to St. Mungo's for healing. The prisoner revealed some key information about this new menace to the wizarding world and from then on, the Ministry carefully monitored Lord Voldemort's rise to power.
Owen proposes to Chloe

Important Dates
1928 June 5/6 - Owen & Caradoc Dearborn are born
1939 Sept 1 - Owen Dearborn starts at Hogwarts
June - Owen graduates Hogwarts
August - Owen starts training at Camp
1949 June - Owen qualifies as a full auror
1954 October 31 - Owen proposes to fellow auror, Chloe Williams
1955 January 1 12:01am - Owen marries Chloe
1959 July 16 - Christopher Gavin Dearborn is born

July 15 - Owen is injured, "death" of Chloe Dearborn
August- Owen takes over leadership of Camp

1970 Sept 1 - Maruaders & Chris Dearborn start at Hogwarts

Chris Dearborn

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