Sunday, August 9, 2009

Abigail Wolfe

Abigail Wolfe
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Birthday: January 30, 2020
Age/Year at start of RP: 12/2nd
Class: 2032/39 (with Jackson & Holly)
House: Phoenix

Hair: brown
Eyes: hazel
Physical: If you saw her next to her older brother you'd agree that they are definitely siblings but, the resemblance isn't close enough that you'd notice it if you never saw them together and didn't know they were siblings. For this reason and the fact that second years don't have Care of Magical Creatures, that no one has yet realized they're brother and sister.

Pet(s): An assortment of random creatures from her brother. He intended them to scare her (and they certainly did) but, she loves each of them in spite of it and kept them around for as long as she could keep them alive.

Wand: 9 3/4 inches, mahogany, unicorn tail hair

Background: Abigail is the youngest of the two Wolfe children. After Elijah, the Wolfe's didn't think they'd be able to have more children so, she was a cherished surprised when she was born. Because she is lavished with all the girly wants and needs she could ever desire, Abigail has developed a complete and utter love and admiration for her older brother, despite his attempts to torment her with scary (yet, benign) animals and creatures.

She favors the color purple, is very sweet, and actually quite normal by McMillian student standards. She does well in school, has a few close friends, and has so far resisted the urge to run down to her brother's hut. As she's matured, she's come to respect (to some point) her brother's privacy and need for her not to embarrass him.

Her brother, Eli, is the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at McMillian.

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