Friday, August 7, 2009

Walden Bryce MacNair

Walden Bryce MacNair
A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
The End of Darkness (TDS)

Known as Bryce to his close friends because he doesn't like Walden or any of the nicknames that come from it.

A Kink in the Darkness (SS/TDS)
Birthday: November 12th
Age at start of RP: 16
Year: 6th
House: Slytherin
Hair: short, but not too short, black, straight
Eyes: blue
Height: 6' even
Best Class: DADA
Worst Class: transfiguration
Personality: arrogant, ruthless, not rich, though he acts like it, feels like the world owes him something (inherited his father's sense of injustice when it comes to the whole Darcy/Winston thing), etc. Underneath the arrogant exterior Bryce is a total wuss, poor, and abused by his father. He feels worthless and his only redeeming virtue is his prowess on the quidditch pitch, the only place he has any confidence.

The End of Darkness (TDS)
Marital status: Married to Rini Chang
Children: Maggie MacNair & Tacey Shannon (both illegitimate)
Occupation: Seeker for the Falmouth Falcons and England's national team

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